Above is the first image I saw from the new Limonov movie. 20 year old me would have been losing his mind over this but (slightly) older me is unsure. It is exciting that it's being made, the first film about his whole life (the Russian made Rosskoe was focused on a young Limonov) BUT: It's not just an adaptation of his life story but of the Carrere book. The fact that it took a book by a French bourgeois memoirist to get a major movie about Limonov made is ludicrous. Someone should have made one years ago, hell, someone should have done a whole series of them years ago, one for each of his major phases that a good film maker could create a complete aesthetic universe out of. You'd have Limonov the thief/poet in muddy and drab provincial Ukraine, Limonov roving through Moscow and partying with underground poets, the down and out punk years in violent 70's NYC (plus the fun challenge of casting Richard Hell and the Ramones), his time in Paris with the intellectuals g...