Disenchanged Wanderer: The Apocalyptic Vision of Konstantin Leontiev. by Glen Cronin. Published by Cornell Press. High White Notes: The Rise and Fall of Gonzo Journalism. by David Wills. Published by Beatdom Books. Adventures in Overthinking: Reactionary Russians and the Fall of Gonzo I think you're supposed to read new books occasionally but as some of the poorly constructed paragraphs in the entries below imply, I don't do that very often. I've read two newish books recently, one the Leontiev biography I was losing my mind over a few months back and the second one a biography/literary analysis of Hunter S. Thompson. The latter joins a long list of books that have tackled Thompson but this is the first one I've read in a while that actually seemed necessary for people who like his books and take them seriously. The world doesn't need the 20th memoir by someone who hung out in Thompson's kitchen and thinks they're some kind of insider because they share...